Image: 8425434

>> #185097 Karito_kun Posted on 2024-12-15 14:43:35

Oooh I love the dancing~

Image: 8395571

>> #185096 Jeffthedude Posted on 2024-12-15 09:07:07

Ben Ben ben

Image: 8127497

>> #185095 elkuro Posted on 2024-12-15 07:16:27

low key very hot

Image: 6581182

>> #185094 Flipper3 Posted on 2024-12-15 06:10:50

love how her tongue piercing makes her looks more like a slut

Image: 8317681

>> #185093 Flipper3 Posted on 2024-12-15 06:10:27

too bad this is not canon

Image: 8205384

>> #185092 undelivoheh Posted on 2024-12-15 03:26:35

That's a whole bakery damn

Image: 8416988

>> #185079 Avrelian Posted on 2024-12-14 21:14:06

What terrible suffering has just been inflicted, the billions of people now dead. The unlimited stories that have now ceased, and the unlimited more never to be.
The fitting punishment for this is the average lifespan of a human times the amount of humans at the time of the genocide, to be spent by the terrible creatures in maximum suffering, which, after this amount of time, to be killed in the same fashion as their weapon.
This is not enough. The procedure that allowed this tragedy to happen, that did not account for a mistake, must be changed. The people that instated this procedure should also be punished in the same way as the first two, however the length of this should be reduced by ten times, since it is not relatively close to the genocide.

seriously though why did you blow up the earth whats wrong with you

Image: 8424292

>> #185066 SoftBee Posted on 2024-12-14 17:11:38

This is disgusting.

Image: 8263276

>> #185065 Princess_Thunderballs Posted on 2024-12-14 13:53:36

Damn, I love seeing seeing class Ben being a butt slut.

Image: 6346204

>> #185064 Hatsuneisntmiku Posted on 2024-12-14 13:25:31

Honestly what she deserves for being so damn hot

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