Image: 7574667

>> #182851 Fanfic_Fetishist Posted on 2024-10-04 03:51:17

Lilith has the right idea. Kitties need to be fat. <3

Image: 7734873

>> #182850 Fanfic_Fetishist Posted on 2024-10-04 02:05:42

Having babies does a body good. <3

Image: 8330748

>> #182849 Countessofhoney Posted on 2024-10-04 01:04:28

This is the hottest thing iv seen in a long time. God I wish I could be one of them

Image: 8029727

>> #182848 hollowking27 Posted on 2024-10-04 00:41:45

i would love a girl like that

Image: 5379375

>> #182847 Laborte Posted on 2024-10-04 00:03:25

Why does he have a bass clef on his shirt?

Image: 3906734

>> #182846 Laborte Posted on 2024-10-03 23:36:55

Fabulous, I love it, I came so hard

Image: 8200814

>> #182842 Purtwech Posted on 2024-10-03 19:39:53

Wth is this

Image: 8372706

>> #182841 Nikahn Posted on 2024-10-03 19:21:05

Damn, this is some high quality!!

Image: 7538090

>> #182840 Enchanted_Golden_Apple Posted on 2024-10-03 17:55:09

According to, I translated everything I could

Reina Puta = Whore Queen
Amante del Semen = Semen Lover
Cerda = Sow
Traga Pitos = Swallows Whistle (I think this maybe implies a wolf whistle for its meaning in english?)


perdón Dulce princesa pero la polla de Finn estan bien adictiva no se por que la dejaste ir perra = Forgive me Princess Bubblegum, but Finn's cock is very addictive, I don't know why you let it go, bitch

mierda este dildo esta muy profundo = shit this dildo is very deep

por qué es sola una zorra más que creía que estaba dando mi máximo con ella = Why is alone one more fox who believed I was giving my maximum with her (This one definitely lost stuff in translation, but I think I can tell what it means, basically explaining that Marceline is a "fox" who couldn't handle Finn's full strength)

Image: 8363898

>> #182839 Onemorestep Posted on 2024-10-03 17:47:17

Very nice argument too. However,

*drops the fact that Persona 5's community are into degeneracy*

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