Image: 3954747

>> #3261 insect Posted on 2021-01-21 10:22:30

"Bloom, I got carried away and acc-hic!-identally conjured a wank thing. Help me sisterly(("
"W-what?? How can I, to you-?"
"Tell me, is it bigger than Sky's one? lol"

Image: 3764311

>> #3258 Anonymous Posted on 2021-01-21 08:03:01

lol lol lol

Image: 3897553

>> #3256 Anonymous Posted on 2021-01-21 00:50:39

is... is that the fucking villager from animal crossing?

Image: 3720980

>> #3250 Anonymous Posted on 2021-01-20 18:59:30

why is this on the cioccolata tag

Image: 1145556

>> #3244 Anonymous Posted on 2021-01-20 15:18:17

Beautiful, Godzilla is the bottom.

Image: 3915553

>> #3238 insect Posted on 2021-01-20 12:25:22

"Finally together..."
"No gay."
"No homo."

Image: 3930075

>> #3237 insect Posted on 2021-01-20 12:23:21

"Hey, wage labourers, wanna work at my means of production?"
"300% profit!"
"Oh yeah! I feel surplus value filling me! I will appropriate it all!"

Image: 3952641

>> #3236 insect Posted on 2021-01-20 12:11:45

"Is this fine?"
"Yes, very much."

Image: 3952680

>> #3235 insect Posted on 2021-01-20 12:10:58

"Hey! Why are you looking at me like this?"

Image: 855

>> #3234 insect Posted on 2021-01-20 12:10:03

Literally just "fuck you" in Russian with word "fuck" censored.

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