Image: 2143033

>> #803 Anonymous Posted on 2020-10-17 15:49:09

Sooo, I take it there’s a sequel.

Image: 1768238

>> #802 Anonymous Posted on 2020-10-17 15:42:19

Fun fact: the heads are all one mind.

Image: 2442934

>> #801 Anonymous Posted on 2020-10-17 15:38:27

3 dicks, but 4 heads, how does that work?

Image: 2540470

>> #800 Anonymous Posted on 2020-10-17 15:34:04

Damm, head 1 got gipped

Image: 2355834

>> #799 Jubby Posted on 2020-10-17 12:13:14

how do I look? ><

Image: 936009

>> #797 Anonymous Posted on 2020-10-17 09:52:33

I’m digging through the multipussy and this monster is the most time thing here.

Image: 2556604

>> #796 Anonymous Posted on 2020-10-17 09:47:37

This is nightmare fuel

Image: 3128399

>> #795 Anonymous Posted on 2020-10-17 09:36:27

I’ve seen this pic a lot, but at the top, it says “page 5” which makes me question: where’s the other 4 pages?

Image: 2808375

>> #794 Anonymous Posted on 2020-10-17 09:21:15

Funny thing, Tiamont has 5 male dragon (one for each color) escorts that she fucks, a lot. She then produces eggs, which she devours despite not needing to eat. If the resulting young are multi-headed chromatic dragons(color depends on who she chooses to fuck), but are still eaten all the same (if one survives and makes it out of her lair, which is in the first layer of hell, she with her escorts will hunt it down).

This being said, I’ve got a base campaign idea that spawned from this. The first layer of hell is full of disobedient demons/devils, right? Well, what if a demon was successful in stealing one of Tiamont’s eggs, and managed to get it to the material plane in one piece? Take it as you will, but if I go further, than I will be completely off topic.

Image: 3729942

>> #791 Anonymous Posted on 2020-10-17 01:11:52

Nice but need to work on the breasts.

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